Membership Committee member Steve Maceli shares 15 reasons to belong to the Lawrence Rotary Club!

Top 15 reasons why you should
join the Lawrence Rotary Club?!
15. You're one of us!
14. We are Lawrence’s original Rotary Club founded in 1917.
13. We are part of Rotary’s international fight to eradicate polio.
12. We are the biggest donor of children’s books to the Cordley Elementary School Library having donated almost 250 over the past decade.
11. We have donated almost $150,000 to community organizations over the past decade though our weekly blue cup collections and annual awards.
10. We are the biggest bunch of Bell Ringers for the Salvation Army!
9. Downtown location with lunches to look forward to!
8. Connect with other servicemen and women as over 30 of our current members have served in the military.
7. We are a highly connected group of community leaders who gather every Monday while wearing highly visible Rotary Name Badges.
6. Haven’t YOU ever wanted to be a Paul Harris Fellow?!
5. We have more than 1 class clown! It won’t take you long to figure out who they are.
4. We have great speakers each week who not only entertain but educate.
3. You have to eat lunch on Monday anyway, RIGHT?!
2. We’re the best way to connect with opportunities that make a difference in Lawrence.
1. We are the Rotary club that SINGS! Unless you are eating your vegetables!