Peter Luckey manages the volunteer Rotarians who help out at Just Food on the 2nd Thursday of each month. He recruits four people for the morning shift (9 am to noon) and four for the afternoon shift (noon to 3 pm).
Peter Luckey coordinates volunteers from the Lawrence Rotary Club at Just Food and invites prospective volunteers to visit him at the sign up table for Just Food on Mondays or email him at
Peter said, "Our goal with Just Food is to have four Rotarians sign up for the morning (9 am to noon) shift and four for the afternoon shift (noon to 3 pm) on the second Thursday of the month.I am very pleased with how well our Rotary Club has stepped up to help. Please reach out to me if you have more questions. I want to thank Jane Bateman and Joan Golden for getting this ball rolling!"
Just Food serves up to 300 Douglas County families a day. We can make a difference in the lives of our fellow citizens.