The Lawrence Rotary Club provided at least 31 volunteers on Saturday, December 7, 2024 for Salvation Army bellringing at five locations in Lawrence.

Salvation Army Lieutenant Landon McClintock, also a Rotarian, reported that $1,839 was collected in the Red Kettles during our day’s bellringing. Volunteers enjoyed a bright relatively warm December day as they encouraged shoppers at two doors at the Walmart on South Iowa Street, two doors at the HyVee Grocery on 23rd Street, and at the Walmart on West 6th Street. More than 30 hours of service was provided to our community as each volunteer served an hour ringing the bells and thanking shoppers for their donations to the Red Kettles. Rotarians Tom Mulanazzi and Keith Wood coordinated this service project with sign ups in November and recruitment of site captains to ensure that all the time slots were filled. Tom and Keith and Landon extend their thank yous to all Rotarians who were able to volunteer that day.