Celebrate the Rotary Year End on Jun 17, 5:30 pm at Arterra. Register here.
Cindy Johnson
Welcome to the Lawrence Rotary Club!
The theme for Rotary this year is, “Rotary Creates Hope in the World”. Through my years as a Rotarian, I’ve found that this theme has played out. Rotary is a place where I can become more than just one person trying to enact change and create hope. I can join with a group of fellow Rotarians here in Lawrence and across the world to have a real possibility of accomplishing meaningful change. Hope for all.
The Lawrence Rotary Club will be 104 years old this year. One hundred and four years of creating hope and doing good together. We meet each Monday at noon at Maceli’s in downtown Lawrence to hear from inspirational speakers and to enjoy the fellowship of others creating “Hope in the World.” Please join us in this great endeavor.
The Lawrence Rotary Club was chartered in 1917. Since that time its members have steadfastly served its local and international communities. In this second century of Rotary, we are committed, as ever, to furthering the objectives of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation, through Service Above Self.
On December 8, 2020, it was raining hard in Lamut, Philippines. Despite second thoughts, seven Rotary Club of Lamut members joined staff from Ifugao State University (IFSU)-Lagawe campus, as well as members of the 1404th Ready Reserve Infantry Battalion of the Philippine Army Reserve Command and the Hingyon Municipal Police on a long and slippery hike to Humalophop Elementary School located in rural Hingyon in Ifugao province. To get to Humalophop one must hike through the forest, mountains, and rice paddies on a narrow path for 2 to 4 hours, depending on whether it is dry season or wet season. Bridges over creeks are often two slippery logs laid next to each other. Why would seven Rotary Club members walk through the hard rain during the wet season, up mountains and through rice fields, going to a very far place with university staff, soldiers and police? This is our story.
Our thanks to the following members for serving on the club's Board of Directors for the 2023-24 Rotary year: President Chuck Olcese, President Elect: Cindy Johnson, Vickie Randel, Doni Mooberry-Slough, Phil McKnight, Jennifer Berquist, Patrick Schmitz, Jeffry Jack, John Ross and Cathy Shenoy
New members: Joe Douglas, Matt Pool, Sarah Hill-Nelson, Sarah Robertson, Helen Hutchison, Annie Myers, Joan Hoffman, Kathy Smith, Landon McClintock, Jean Menager & Sarah Hoadley
New Transfer member: Corene Seaver
Resignations: Carl Locke, Jr., Shelley O'Brien, Lynnette Joe-Back, Marilyn Heck, Randy Vidales, Mandy Enfield, Todd Thompson, Traci Brown, Rebecca Buford, Ron Dougherty, Jack Wright and Judy Wright, Gene Meyer
Leave of Absence: Dee Bisel (through June 30)
We remember Tom Groene who passed away in May, 2024.
Thanks to all who support the Blue Cups! This easy way of giving helps so many, every year.
Blue Cup donations were:
April 2024: Cantemos
March 2024: $455 Big Brothers/Big Sisters
February 2024: $406 Polio Plus
January 2024: $144 Centro Hispano
December 2023: $344 O'Connell Youth Shelter
November 2023: Cordley PTA
October 2023: $367 Douglas County Child Advocacy
September 2023: $286 for Just Food
August 2023: $442 for Lawrence Family Promise
July 2023: $261 for Ballard Center
June 2023: $413 for Sole Patrol
May 2023: $326 for #bemorelikeclaire
April 2023: $343 for Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Our club's addresses: rotarylawrence@gmail.com, and Lawrence Rotary Club, P.O. Box 442162, Lawrence, KS 66044, are addresses through which you can contact our club president or any other club officer or committee chair with comments, questions, suggestions, to request a leave of absence, or if you find you must resign from the club (although we hope that never happens!). The mailboxes are checked each business day.
Our Rotary club is on Facebook, Instagram and X. The e-mail address is lawrenceksrotaryclub@gmail.com. On Facebook, see www.facebook.com/lawrencerotary. On Instagram, see https://www.instagram.com/lawrenceks_rotary_club/
All prospective members may attend Rotary meetings with their sponsor at no charge to the sponsor. Please note on the Guest Sign-In Sheet that your guest is a prospective member, to avoid being billed for his/her meal.
Leaves of absence may be requested if you will be unable to attend club meetings for a minimum of six weeks in a row, for up to six months. If approved by the club's Board of Directors, you will continue to be billed quarterly for dues, but will not be billed for meals during the leave period. To request a leave, contact the club by email or post, at the addresses listed above.
If you want to purchase a tree marker for a tree in the Arboretum, don't hesitate to contact Pam Eglinski. pamelaeglinski@pbewriter.com . Pam is a Lawrence Rotary Club member and serves all three clubs in Lawrence. Keep in mind that there is often a waiting list for free trees provided by Lawrence Parks and Recreation. The tree must be available, then the marker requested. The marker is $125 for non-Rotarians and $100 for Rotarians. Trees may also be purchased for $500. Please don't hesitate to contact Pam for detailed information—many thanks for making the Arboretum a special place.
Membership Committee member Steve Maceli shares fifteen reasons to belong to the Lawrence Rotary Club!